

米軍Public Affairs →1500 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-1500

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Sir or Madam,

Hello, my name is ○○, I am a resident of New York City in the United States.

Recent news tells that the plan to build a US Military base in Pyongtaek, Korea, is forcing to take the farm land from the people. The situation right now is very severe, having people injured and arrsted for expressing their own freedom. I understand that in Korea, or anywhere else, to take the land from farmers is like taking their own lives. Furthermore, to build a new military base there means that you are corporating the US to take more lives of people, directly or indirectly. Not to mention what the US has been doing in the past 3 years in Iraq.

As a citizen of Japan, I would like to emphasize that if you agree to accept the new US base in your country, if you show your support to the US military, you would give a sense of big disappointment to the people who are acting for peace between Korea and Japan, through learning what we have done to you in the past. A lot of people are interested to learn about the past and trying to act out in order not to repeat the past. US base has been taking over the land og Pyongtaek since the time of China-Japan War. Please do not try to repeat the past. Too many of your people have been hurt.
Please do not think that you can build a good relationship with us through the military power of the US. You must see what people have to say first. From what I see through the people's action in Pyongtaek, the United States will not help the people, but will destroy their lives instead.

I hereby ask you to reconsider the construction of the base in Pyongtaek and to withdraw the authorities from the farms as soon as possible.


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